Much can be said about My sixth great grandfather Joseph dit Beausoliel Broussard. This is an artist's depiction of him. It is not his real photo. Many articles and books have been written about him. He was a true fighter for the Acadian people in every sense of the word.
There is a video on YouTube about the Acadian people and why they were expelled from Nova Scotia. It's very good and since it involves my genealogy, I will post it here for you to watch.
This is about the expulsion of the Acadian people. My people.
When he landed in New Orleans, he was sent, along with his people, to live among the Atakapa Indians in St Martinsville, Louisiana. The Atakapa were cannibals. Little did the governor know, Beausoliel and his family knew about living among the Indians. They didn't hunt the wild game that the Indians used for food. They raised their own cattle and planted crops. They knew to make friends with the Indians and learn from them. This, like I said before, is probably why I have some Native American DNA. It's not much, but it is there. They intermarried with the Mi'kmaqs and the Atakapas. Their children were schooled together. It's quite an interesting tale
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